Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Thoughts on Being Humble Essays

Thoughts on Being Humble Essays Thoughts on Being Humble Essay Thoughts on Being Humble Essay What is the purpose of being humble, when should we be humble, and is being humble overrated? Do people only dislike other people for being cocky because they doubt themselves? Personally, I do not mind it much when people brag about what they have achieved or have done. More often than not, I know they never intentionally mean any harm by doing so. Why should I mind? They’re only excited about their life, right? It is always easy to remain humble when everything is good and dandy, but the moment someone criticizes them, they tend to withdraw, especially if the person criticizing does so in a tone which may not be â€Å"soothing† enough. I know people who swear on their lives they are humble, yet, they are not. They are so deep in their beliefs that it is never their fault that they instantly create excuses to justify their reasoning, and if you try to point out their lack of logic, they will not listen at all. They are so involved in their own ego that thinking something else almost seems impossible. If someone was truly humble shouldn’t that mean they are also understanding and relaxed? If you disagree or would like to add anything, please leave a comment below explaining your reasoning so we may correct this article. ) I have come to conclude that many people believe they are humble when in fact, they are not. First of all, I strongly believe that your environment shall be a strong determinant on whether it is the right place and time to be humble. Not everyone will have read articles like you are reading this one, therefore, not everyone may be as understanding as you. Do not mistake being humble with being confident because there is a difference. Confidence is having a strong locus of control. That means you truly believe that you will obtain the positive outcomes you desire no matter how the process goes. An example of being humble is being able to maintain composure when someone criticizes you, and not letting your ego get the best of you. Again, it is ALWAYS easy to remain positive when everything is going good. It is during stressful situations that one’s true character shows. We must strive to remember how to behave during tough situations. In contrast, I can understand why it isn’t a good idea to be humble also. In other countries, people tend to be less direct, or more humble during business or discussions. America tends to be more direct, and if people who tend to be more direct are less understanding and less able to recognize one who is less direct during a conversation, we must remember that there is a potential that the humble person may be perceived as a weak individual, whether it be physically, mentally, or via business. I propose we be humble, confident, and persistent. We can prove ourselves to ourselves by consistently making things happen by REMEMBERING to take positive action. Let us advance in life by remembering to remain humble during proper moments because it is those moments which shape our destiny. Being humble is the same as having a student mentality, and it is much more difficult to learn when we lack a student mentality. We simply become less receptive to knowledge. Also, you may want to keep in mind that cockiness and talking about what you want to do may cause people to resent you, and people often do not like to see cocky or arrogant individuals rise above levels which they themselves have yet to achieve. It is easier to rise above when we remain humble because people will like us better. Another good reason to be humble is because we never know when the tables might turn and it will be us in their shoes that would appreciate that respect and humbleness back. Some champions I know agree with the following statement: â€Å"Those who are humble are capable of taking over the world. Those who aren’t feel they need to prove something to the world. Remember, there’s always a dog bigger and badder than you. † Now this: â€Å"At home I am a nice guy: but I don’t want the world to know. Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far. † – Muhammad Ali In conclusion, I would like for you to remember one thing. If someone is not so humble, strive to be more understanding of them. Strive to remember how our world works. I am confident they are better than they may seem.